Football Kickoff Freeroll

Heads up! Red Stag is running a $1000 freeroll to celebrate the start of the 2016 football season. Cash payouts are awesome, and Red Stag is constantly coming up on the radar for nice freeroll tournaments with fat payouts. Here’s the quick and dirty:

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Find Slot Tournaments on Red Stag

Tournament Name: Football Season Kickoff Freeroll Tournament
The slot game will be Caribbean Gold!
Start Date: 09-08-2016
End Date: 09-18-2016
Buy in is FREE! You can rebuy for $2.99.
Prize is $1000

All players are welcome!

When to Rebuy?

If you have a nice bankroll and can afford it, most players don’t play past the free spins, and if they have no luck, they are done. So if you invest a few bucks in rebuys, its very possible to find yourself in the money.

It is important to differentiate between a rebuy and add on. A rebuy starts you all over, so if you do well on your first free shot, don’t rebuy! Add on’s are when you can buy extra time and extra chips to climb the leaderboard. How bad would it stink to be in a great position and make the mistake of rebuying, and starting at the bottom?

If you find something different at this tournament, please let me know. It appears to be the rebuy variety and I do not want to steer you guys wrong!


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