NDB $100 Freeroll Bracket 2018

If you listen closely, you can already hear the squeak of shoes on wooden courts and crowds cheering on the latest Cinderella. March Madness fever is upon us again, and it is time to renew our freeroll bracket! This is a public bracket and anyone is welcome to join. Come one, come all. Win cash!

NDB $100 Freeroll Bracket 2018

Free to join!
$100 prize to the winner.
$50 to the runner up.

We are using the YAHOO service again, as its free and easy to use. That means more money in the prize pool for you guys. Prize pool increased to $150 this year. Visit the link below and click the blue “Join the Group” button. You will need a yahoo.com account to participate.

Join the Group!

Are you good at this? Some guys and gals make hundreds of dollars in profits on this tournament every year at USA friendly, Bovada Sportsbook!

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!

Congrats to Veronica and Glenn for scoring an insane amount of points to win our annual tourney pick’em. Thank you all for participating and sharing your favorite team stories, etc. I look forward to doing it again next year!

NCAA Men’s Tournament 2018 – Important Dates

March 11th – Selection Sunday. The 68 teams will be revealed, who get to play in the “big dance”.
March 13-14 – First Four. The bottom 8 teams will play, getting us down to the 64 teams that make up the common bracket.
March 15-18 – The first and second rounds will be played at a variety of cities.
March 23-25 – The Regionals will be held, to cut the field down to 4 teams.
March 31 – Final 4 (2 games)
April 2 – Championship game

Who is going to Win?

Well, that’s the million dollar question, is it not? Early favorites include; Virginia, Michigan State, Purdue, Villanova and Arizona. All familiar faces during March Madness. Who knows though, it was not long ago that we saw little know MTSU (Middle Tennessee State University) upset powerhouse Michigan State in the first round of the tournament. MTSU is back in it, and a top 25 team in their right these days.

Good luck in this bracket and best of luck in your wagers this year!

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  1. My favorite college basketball team is SDSU but I’m also realistic that they can’t go that far. I’ll pick them in round 1 then lose after that. I’m from SD to grew up with them

    • Thanks for your feedback Ryan. Yea, I graduated from a small school too (MTSU) and they just missed the tournament this year because they lost in the first round of their conference championship, after being a top 25 team during the year. What the heck? They absolutely deserve a spot in the top 64 or 68 teams, surely! Oh well… good luck in the bracket!

  2. I like Virginia. I know absolutely nothing about college basketball (hate it with a passion, to be honest), but I was assigned Virginia in another contest I entered, so now I want them to win the whole thing. Lol.

    • Oh, man! Why do you hate college basketball? I can understanding not liking pro sports with some of the spoiled rich athletes, etc. – Good luck regardless. :)

  3. Although Rhode Island sputtered at the end of their season, they could possibly win a couple games.

  4. Colin Wright says

    VIllanova is my favorite team, i live in south jersey and root for all the philly teams

    • It must be nice to have a favorite team who has an actual shot of winning the tournament. :) – Good luck as you cheer on the Wildcats of Villanova…

  5. Thanks for setting up the bracket. My favorite team is NC State. My mind tells me maybe just one win, but my heart says Kansas better watch out. :)

    • Happy to setup the bracket. This is year # 3 for us, and it’s nice to have a top 5 yahoo public bracket again. Though our site is focused on just about any wagering activity, my favorite contests to play or create are sports oriented. Maybe its because a $25 bet on sports keeps you interested for hours, win or lose, (or an entire season if its a crazy prop bet), whereas a $25 deposit at a casino playing slots will last you less than an hour, unless you have good success. I digress. Good luck to NC State. Kansas will be a huge hurdle, for sure!

  6. Miles Bridges is gonna strap up and take Michigan State pretty deep, if not all the way.

    • Michigan State is one of the contenders, no doubt. There are a LOT of good teams this year, down to even 4 and 5 seeds. I’m thinking this will be a year when the final four is not just dominated by 1 and 2 seeds!

  7. quavy knight says

    thanks for the opportunity Go Jayhawks!

  8. I joined your NDB $100 Freeroll on Yahoo. My favorite team is New Mexico State University because I work here. LOL. I think realistically they can win at most 2 games, but also potentially get blown out vs Clemson. They’re a trendy #12 to advance from what I’ve been observing.

  9. schinappi622 says

    Syracuse is my favorite team. I’m from Rochester, NY so they are the closest thing to a “local” team. I also grew up watching them.

  10. larry brown says


    Even if we got royally screwed by the NCAA Cartel, ill still watch March Maddness.

    Even if we got royally screwed by the NCAA Cartel, ill still watch March Maddness.

  12. i love michigan. always have since the FAB FIVE days.!! thanks!

  13. I like duke to win Ton win it, based on tradition and coaching. 2 choice would be Villanova and thrid and dark horse seaton hall new jersey guy here :)

  14. My favorite team is Villanova because that’s who I picked to win.

  15. Passionate Tar Heel fan, been for majority of my life. Had family that went to unc, and I lived in North Carolina for a couple years. Very happy after last years redemption run. Lots of people seem to be overlooking them this year even though they where last years champs, may surprise I few this march.

  16. Ohio State, I like them because I go there. #GoBucks

  17. The Process says

    Been rooting for Villanova since I was born through thick and thin. I’m confident of a Final Four and who knows a championship may come. Will not be disappointed if we lose, still riding the 2016 high (LOL that shot). Thanks for setting up the bracket

  18. My fav team is UVA cuz most of us attended school there. And right now, i want to jump off the nearest 6 feet wall ( i do live my life) because Hunter is out :(

  19. Trent Howerton says

    My favorite college team is Kansas State University…because I went to school there! :-)

  20. E. Thrasher says

    Big Duke fan, but I’m not holding my breath. ACC looks good this year and I’m looking t for UVA to go all the way!

  21. JAKE Weisenberger (American Stifflers) says

    My favorite team is ARIZONA WILDCATS!! I GOT MY Undergraduate degree there and witnessed Lute Olson turn the program around with Sean Elliot and Steve Kerr. Awesome memories!

  22. California is my favorite team… don’t think they are going to win this year tho. Why? bc that’s my school

  23. thanks for the freeroll! my fav team is UNC…for their Superior Academic Standards *cue, paper airplane building 101, for 5 credits*

  24. Hey brother, I don’t know too much about the sport, but I picked Duke to win the whole thing, so by default they are my favorite! Good luck!

  25. My favorite teams are Auburn (grew up an Auburn fan) and Radford (my hometown). Injuries hurt the Tigers late in the season, but maybe they can re-find their mojo. Radford’s looking to make history. :)

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